The Value of a Solid Foundation

May 5, 2024    Pastor Ed Rinehart

Pastor Ed begins a new series entitled "The Value Of" series. This week Pastor Ed segues into having a firm foundation after speaking last week about being responsible for our own spiritual growth. We must do a foundation inspection. What are we building our life, faith, and future on? Are we building our spiritual home on the Rock of Christ or the sand of the world? We need to understand the storms of life, and the stresses of life and know what keeps us secure in the storm. Building on the wrong thing may leave us vulnerable to being washed away, destroyed, and lost. We need to inspect our foundation. Are we rooted in Christ, our we feeding ourselves as we should? Are we building ourselves into Christ's likeness or more of the world? If our foundation is bad, then we need to go back and start on a solid foundation. We build from the bottom up not the top down. Listen and glean more from Pastor Ed's message about the value of a solid foundation.