The Value of Being Your Brother's Keeper

Jun 9, 2024    Pastor Ed Rinehart

Pastor Ed begins the message by going to two brothers and the strife between them. Cain and Able disagreed and yet Cain killed Able. God confronted Cain and he lied about his knowledge regarding Abel. Sin crouches at each one of our doors. The reality is that we are our brother's keeper and it is the community's responsibility to encourage, grow, nurture, and build up one another so that we together may be built into a spiritual house, a house belonging to God. We need one another to help us not to make the mistakes of Cain.  We need one another to help each one of us to offer the best to God and be accepted.  We need the community of faith to be stronger and brought closer by building one another up rather than tearing one another down.  We need to love one another enough to be reconciled with one another and become stronger together.

Satan will work to destroy, defeat, and divide.  The world is an obstacle course and the self will be selfish and point fingers and place blame.  But we are the co-heirs of Christ and our lives have been touched by Christ, we are no longer bound by sin. Sin is not allowed to crouch at our door.