Missions & Evangelism

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 

Acts 1:8

Being a disciple of Christ, Discipling others in Christ and being a witness of Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth, is the mission of every believer.  We are to impact others for Christ in real and tangible ways.  The Gospel message, food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and safety are some of the broad categories of service we should be doing to help fulfill even more scripture that Jesus emphasized.

The Immanuel Plan

Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the outer parts of the earth

We are to be witnesses to these four parts, our town/community, our State, our Providence and our World. During our travels we will encounter needs which will reach into all of these areas.

Local, State, National and Global Missions

Over a one year period of time, we designate missions monthly that fall into these categories. Local Missions, State Missions, National Missions and International or Global Missions.  We seek to create a balance in these areas and to also proclaim the Gospel Message in the same manner.

Join the mission

Interested in giving? Benevolent and Outreach gifts are credited to the mission in the month the gift is received. You can not designate a gift for a mission of a different month.
You may click in the Blue Box below or click on the Learn More to visit the website of each organization and give directly.
October 2024 - Operation Christmas Child (OCC) - OCC is a project of Samaritan's Purse, an international Christian relief & evangelism organization.  The mission of OCC is to demonstrate God's love tangibly to children in need around the world & together with the local church share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
         This is also known as the Shoebox program.  In October & November, we will participate in Operation Christmas Child by filling shoeboxes with small gifts, etc. for children.  Directions and shoeboxes will be provided in October & informational videos will also be run.  This is a great time to be involved in the mission of the Church.  The money collected in October will then be used for shipping & the Gospel materials for these boxes.  Our shoebox collection deadline is November 17.  After that, the boxes will be taken to a collection point for processing and shipment to countries around the world.  The Gospel materials will also be added.
          An important aspect of this program is prayer.  Without prayer, the shoebox is just a box of things.  With prayer, the shoebox becomes an opportunity to share the love of Jesus, thus providing a life-changing experience for the child and their family.  We will be praying over the Shoeboxes and dedicating them in our Worship Service on November 17.  You are encouraged to pray over the shoebox you create.  Ask God what items should be added.   Pray for the person receiving the shoebox, God knows them.  Pray for the impact on every hand that handles the shoebox.
November 2024 - YES FM Ministries - YES FM is a Christian nonprofit radio station geared to youth & young adults & the station's Christian music is reflective of that age group.  They reach many areas in northwest & west central Ohio, as well as southeast Michigan.  YES FM is also able to broadcast on the internet & minister to people nationally & globally.  They pray, give testimonies, and talk seriously about having a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Their radio frequency for our area is 89.3 and their website is www.yeshome.com.  Through all the pressures & struggles that face teens & young adults in our culture, YESFM strives to be a positive Christian influence, demonstrating the love & hope that is found in Jesus Christ!
December 2024 - Rustic Hope - A nonprofit, located in rural Russia Ohio.  They are Christ-centered, family-focused, and strongly pro-life.  Rustic Hope provides free support to single mothers before, during, and after delivery.  This support includes furniture, basic household items, food, vehicles, and baby items of all sorts.  Rustic Hope primarily serves a six-county area, often getting referrals from other agencies.  Donations of all sorts are very much appreciated and volunteers are welcomed.     Rustic Hope - Because every life matters!
Giving Tree - end of November/December - The giving tree in the back of the church will be for Rustic Hope.  Please take one or more tags from the tree, purchase the items, & bring them back to church, unwrapped.  Some of the items needed include diapers, wet wipes, shampoo/conditioner, laundry detergent, toilet paper, kid's socks, and kid's winter boots.
Rustic Hope is our December benevolence recipient and cash donations may be given via the Benevolent offering throughout December.