The Value of the Spiritual Center of Community

Jun 2, 2024    Pastor Ed Rinehart

Pastor Ed spoke of three enemies in the prior message: the devil, the world, and the Self or Flesh.  

These three enemies are real and dangerous. We interact with them daily and encounter their pitfalls in every journey. Alone we can not withstand them.  This is why having a Spiritual Center in our community is pivotal.

Again our foundation is our faith in God, our belief in action, the flesh says, I need to solve this, I need to do this, I need .. I, I, I,  The Spirit says, wait a minute, what about them.  

Take a moment and look at the word Community. Comm U n I ty.  U comes before I.  

We all need a rallying point in life, we need the American Flag, we need the Bible, and we need that place where we can go when disaster, life, and turmoil strike.  We need a place to help us navigate the daily battles we face.  We need a place to rejuvenate us, a place to inspire us, a place to strengthen us, and a place to help us get on track again if we have missed the mark. Without a Spiritual Center of Community for us to call home, we become abandoned spiritual soldiers, Prisoners of War, Missing in Action, or worse, defeated believers.  It is in the Spiritual community that we find our strength, our home, and our ability to grow into all God has called us to become.

The Spiritual Christian life is lived in the context of a Spiritually centered community of believers working to grow one another, invite others into the community, and build one another up into the spiritual house through which God is working!