Shepherds Teach their Sheep

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Ed Rinehart

Pastor Ed looks at the passage of Matthew 17 and the portion regarding the Mount of Transfiguration. A passage that in many ways is rarely touched upon. So how do we protect our sheep? In our passage, four people ascend the mountain, Peter, James, John, and Jesus. Two others appear once they have arrived, Moses and Elijah. Moses represents the leadership of the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. Elijah represents the opportunity for the dry bones of our faith to be restored. We need to ask the question, are we trusting God enough? As Pastor Ed continues in the passage, he asks what device is best to protect the sheep. Is it the Shepherd's Staff, the dogs, the slingshot? Fences. Fences are in our passage as well to teach us and to protect us. Don't tell anyone until the Son of God comes into his glory. Are we committed to God enough, are we committed to our sheep enough to protect them and teach them?