Worship of Christ Alive and Impactful

Jan 12, 2025    Pastor Ed Rinehart

Pastor Ed shares a personal story of his earlier years of work mixing car wash chemicals and an unexpected event that nearly led him to blindness. His coworker's quick thinking and actions began the process of removing the harmful chemicals and led him to recovery from the threat he was under.

Just as Pastor Ed experienced this incident years ago, we all experience the blinding effects of sin today. We need a Savior to lead us and wash us clean of that sin. Our worship of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit should come from our realization of what they have done for us, are doing for us, and will do for us. Our worship should not a just a motion or a checkbox we go through. It should be alive and impactful. We are to worship God daily. If we don't actively become alive in our worship of God, it can and will grow cold and flat. So join in the singing and worship of today's message, and show your love to the Heavenly Father.

In editing a song (Michael W. Smith's Great Is The Lord) was removed, but you can see the message in it's entirety with the removed song on our app.